CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 24
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 24 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 2)[!][issue 1998-07].iso
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Text File
165 lines
; Update-Install-Script for STCCG.guide
; © 1997 Ralf Schwate
; $VER:STCCG-update-install 2.1 (20-Dec-96)
; Version 2.1
; 1.0 Initial Release
; 2.1 Used for Update of 2.0 to 2.1
(if (= @language "english")
(set @abort-button "Cancel installation")
(set @app-name "STCCGguide")
(set #stccg_introduction (cat "\n"
"STCCG.guide 3.3 \n"
"All Rights Reserved. \n"
" \n"
"©1998 Ralf Schwate \n"
" \n"
"An AmigaGuide-Database for the Card Game \n"
"Star Trek: The Next Generation \n"
(set #stccg_error (cat
" Some error has occured. Please inform the author \n"
" (e.g. Ralf.Schwate@mch.sni.de) after having tried \n"
" a different Installer release. \n"
(set #stccg_datafile_missing (cat
" Datafiles are missing! You also need the archive \n"
" STCCGdata.lha extracted in the same directory \n"
" where you extracted this archive! \n"
" Aborting install.... \n"
(set #stccg_where "Please select a destination for the STCCG.guide drawer")
(set #stccg_where_help
(cat "Use this dialogue to select the partition or the directory where you "
"want the STCCG.guide drawer to be created.\n\n"
(set #stccg_update_install (cat
" You already have STCCG.guide installed. This \n"
" installation assumes, you want an update of the \n"
" installation. \n"
" If you want to install new, abort the installation\n"
" remove the assign 'STCCG:' ('assign STCCG: remove'\n"
" in a shell) and start the installation a second \n"
" time! \n"
(set #stccg_new_install (cat
" This is a new installation of STCCG.guide! \n"
" A directory will be created in which all files \n"
" will be copied! \n"
(set #stccg_already_installed_font (cat
" It seems you already have installed a \n"
" StarTrek.font! \n"
" You need an 8pt size font to use the Guides \n"
" correctly. If you installed this font with a \n"
" previous STCCGguide version you are safe. \n"
(set #stccg_install_font "Installing needed fonts in Fonts:?\n")
(set #stccg_install_font_help (cat "\n"
" STCCG.guide needs the font StarTrek.font in size 8\n"
" to correctly display some of its pages. \n"
" The installer script tries to install this font \n"
" into the Fonts:-directory. \n"
(set #stccg_add_assign "Add STCCG assign to user-startup?\n")
(set #stccg_add_assign_help (cat "\n"
" STCCG.guide needs this assign to find crosslinked \n"
" files in it's database! \n"
(set #stccg_install_show_script (cat
" There is already a show-script installed! \n"
" Do you want to update the current show-script? \n"
(set #stccg_install_show_script_help (cat "\n"
" STCCG.guide needs the show-script to show pictures\n"
" contained in the guide. There should be no need to\n"
" update the current script. Only if the viewing \n"
" utility cannot be found anymore. \n"
(set #stccg_viewer "Please select a viewer for pictures in the database")
(set #stccg_viewer_help (cat "\n"
" STCCG.guide needs this file to show the pictures \n"
" included in the database. Should support iff- and \n"
" gif-formats! \n"
(set #stccg_complete "\nInstallation complete.")
; ** Setting of Variables
(set install_mode 0)
(set install_mode_new 0)
(set install_mode_update 1)
(set install_show_script 1)
(set install_show_script_no 0)
(set install_show_script_yes 1)
(onerror (
(if (> @ioerr 0)
(message (cat "\n ERROR CODE: " @ioerr "\n\n" #stccg_error))
; ** Start of Installation
(message #stccg_introduction)
(transcript "On installing STCCG.guide ...")
(complete 0)
(if (exists "STCCG:" (noreq))
(message #stccg_update_install)
(set install_mode install_mode_update)
(if (= install_mode install_mode_update)
(set install_dir (expandpath "STCCG:"))
(set @default-dest (install_dir))
(complete 10)
(copyfiles (source "Guides") (dest "STCCG:") (all))
(complete 100)
(exit #stccg_complete)